经过漫长的, member-driven process to set Municipal 立法的目标 for the 2023-24 biennium, NCLM现在已经开始努力实现这些目标. 在本页中,您将找到 立法的目标以及各自的谈话要点. You will also find a 账单跟踪工具 allowing you to closely follow legislation of importance to cities and towns.
The 账单跟踪工具 categorizes bills filed at the NC General Assembly by three categories, 那些被指定为“活跃”的最需要关注. 用户可以滚动浏览每个类别, 查找每个账单的信息, 以及将用户带到NCGA网站的账单页面的链接. 并非所有类别在任何时候都可以包括立法, 根据大会的日程安排和活动, 以及立法方面的考虑. The site will be updated periodically to reflect activity and call member attention to bills as needed.